With fall less than a month away, cooler weather is already
beginning to make an appearance in Pennsylvania. We would like to take this time to reflect on
our summer activities, and share our upcoming events.

Pennsylvanians: The Archaeology of Native Americans in Pennsylvania” –
Available Now
The summer of 2015 saw the release of “First Pennsylvanians:
The Archaeology of Native Americans in Pennsylvania”, a comprehensive book on
the area’s prehistoric inhabitants. Intended for use by the general public, it is
the first book of its kind published in Pennsylvania. Authors Kurt Carr and
Roger Moeller describe the lifeways of early Pennsylvanians during each time
period of their 16,000 year occupation of the region. The 246 page book is richly illustrated with
263 photographs, drawings and maps and has been describe as a museum on paper
by local public radio host, Scott Lamar. For $29.95 “First Pennsylvanians” is
available in paperback from Shop
PA Heritage, Amazon.com,
and other book retailers.
Nature Lab Presentation
Series at the State Museum of Pennsylvania– Concluded
The season also ushered in a new series of presentations
held in the Nature Lab on the third floor of the State Museum. The archaeology
staff was on hand every Thursday afternoon to present different topics on
Pennsylvania archaeology. Topics ranged from prehistoric stone tools and
pottery to current compliance archaeology projects in the Commonwealth. With the conclusion of this summer program,
we would like to thank all those who attended the presentations, and everyone
who worked behind the scenes to make this series a success.
Excavations at Fort
Hunter – September 2-October 2, 2015
Every fall since 2006 the Archaeology Section has led an
excavation at Fort Hunter Mansion and Park in Harrisburg, PA. On September 2nd
(less than a week away!) the search for the fort at Fort Hunter Mansion and
Park will resume. Excavations have documented the historic and prehistoric
occupations at the site. While previous years have not been successful in
locating the stockade or other fort structures , a new year brings new opportunities,
and archaeologists will be on hand Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm to answer questions
about the site and offer brief descriptions of the archaeological process. In
addition to weekdays, excavation will take place on Fort Hunter Day, to be held
Sunday, September 20, 2015. Excavations will close on October 2,
Kipona Festival –
September 5-7, 2015
The Archaeology Section will make their annual appearance at
Kipona Festival, Harrisburg’s free festival celebrating the Susquehanna River. Our
booth will be located on City Island, west of the baseball field. Look for the
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission blue banner and the 20 foot
dugout canoe. Stop by, have a seat in
the canoe and learn about the prehistory of the area. Artifacts recovered from
excavations on City Island in the 1990’s will be on display. Staff and volunteers from the Section will be
present during the event to answer questions and offer insight.
Illustration of flint knapping from the book “First
Workshops in
Archaeology – November 14, 2015
The Archaeology Section of The State Museum of Pennsylvania
invites you to attend the annual Workshops in Archaeology on Saturday, November
14, 2015. This program is designed to provide the general public with an
overview of archaeological discoveries across the Commonwealth. This year’s
theme is “Weed Seeds to Garden Seeds: The Archaeology of Plant Foods and
Farming in the Keystone State.” In addition to the presentations, attendees can
share their archaeological discoveries with staff from the Bureau for Historic
Preservation who will provide assistance with artifact identification and
recording archaeological sites, an essential task for protecting and preserving
our archaeological heritage. An additional offering includes a demonstration by
a master flintknapper who will make stone tools using Native American
techniques. A reception at the close of the sessions will provide an
opportunity for the attendees to meet with the presenters and staff in the
Anthropology and Archaeology Gallery of The State Museum.
The program and registration form are available from our website.
If registered before November 6th, the cost is $25 for the general
public or $15 for students and $15 for members of the Heritage Society, SPA, or
PAC. The cost of registration at the door is $35.
October is Archaeology Month in Pennsylvania. The Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology will
have programming throughout the Commonwealth that is open to the public as well
as these opportunities offered through The State Museum. We hope to see you at
one of our many upcoming events!