Archaeology often offers a unique opportunity to analyze the
human diet based on the recovery of dietary remains. The analysis of this dietary refuse has
yielded some very interesting insights into the human diet. It has been said that some people live to eat,
however, in reality; it is that all people eat to live. In fact, food science
is a topic for serious discussion in light of the world’s rising human
population - 7 billion + and growing! Not
a day goes by when something about food is not the subject of a television or
radio news clip or a full-fledged program on food products. As we all know, there’s
even a Food Channel! To be sure, more and more households are beginning to grow
their own foods while supplementing foods derived from the dairy and meat
industries via the corner grocery store. Food is good and . . . . . . . food is

Upper: Elk antler cut mark modifications zooarchaeological specimen). Eschelman Site Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Lower: Whitetail deer horn tine with cut mark modifications (zooarchaeological specimen). Both specimens courtesy of the Section of Archaeology, The State Museum of Pennsylvania
In earlier times, when Native
peoples were living in North America, diet was also varied, dictated only by
what was available for the taking. Indeed, their diet was diverse and included
tubers, fruits, nuts and other plant related foods. They also consumed foods
taken from the water and surrounding landscape such as fin fish, shellfish,
birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles - and of course, snails and insects. This brings
us to this week’s TWIPA topic of zooarchaeology (and the letter Z, last letter
in the current alphabetical sequence) so we will begin by briefly featuring
several archaeological sites where animal bones have been studied.
Skeletal diagram of white tail deer showing butcher mark locations for dismembering the animal. Courtesy the Pennsylvania Archaeologist
A growing body of archaeological information
in Pennsylvania is yielding quite an impressive inventory of animal foods that
were among the many available sources for Native peoples . For example,
Meadowcroft Rockshelter (36WH297) located in the Cross Creek drainage of
southwestern Pennsylvania, in Washington County is considered to be the oldest
continually occupied stratified rockshelter in North America. It contained 115,166
bones representing 5,634 individual vertebrate and 38 different snail and shellfish species. Many of the smaller remains, however, were dropped by raptors
from the cliff face only to be recovered by archaeologists investigating the
site from the stratified deposits thousands of years later (Guilday and
Parmalee 1982; Lord 1982).

Upper: White tail deer skull (female), Elk County, Pennsylvania. James F. Herbstritt osteological collection. Lower: White tail deer (zooarchaeological specimen). Eschelman Site Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Both images courtesy The State Museum of Pennsylvania
Numerous animal remains from another
rockshelter, now trapped beneath Lake Raystown in the Juniata Valley, were
reported from the Sheep Rock Shelter (36HU1) in Huntingdon County,
Pennsylvania. In a joint field school, Juniata College and the Pennsylvania
State University excavated at the Sheep Rock Shelter in 1958, 1959 and 1961
(Michels 1994). During the mid-1960’s Guilday and Permalee (1965) after
analyzing 35,000 faunal remains from the site, identified 38 species of mammals
(4,099 bones); 7 species of fin fish (1,091 bones); 40 species of birds (1,693
bones); 12 species of reptiles (1319 bones); 2 species of amphibians (719
bones) and 13 shell fish species were present. This list represents at least 99
vertebrate and 15 invertebrate species, all native to southcentral Pennsylvania
in prehistoric times.

Whitetail deer humeri (zooarchaeological specimen)showing butcher mark areas outlined in red. Eschelman Site, Lancaster County, Pa. Courtesy the Section of Archaeology, The State Museum of Pennsylvania
Two additional archaeological sites,
Quaker Hill Quarry (36LA1100) and Eschelman Site (36LA12) a part of the
Washington Boro Village site, are included in this week’s TWIPA feature that relate to zooarchaeological
studies. These lower Susquehanna valley villages date from the mid- 16th
century to the early 17th century, a period in a time when actual face-to-face
encounters with Europeans had not yet occurred.
Diagram of Mountain Lion humerus showing cut marks (1 and 2). Eschelman Site. Courtesy the Pennsylvania Archaeologist
Subsistence data for the Quaker
Hill Quarry site, a fortified Funk Phase Shenks
Ferry village, was obtained during data recovery operations that ended in
2009. A sampling of refuse pits from the four acre village site yielded fewer
large mammals than expected for a significant permanent village site of the 16
century. The water and/or chemical separation (
flotation method) was used over the course of the field study and proved to be worthwhile in recovering small bones, fish scales and
other minute-size specimens. This method yielded the most comprehensive
archaeo-faunal assemblage from a Shenks Ferry village site to date where more
than 21,800 bone elements representing 42 aquatic, avian and terrestrial
vertebrate/invertebrate species (Whyte 2005) were analyzed.
Bob Cat skull, Elk County, Pa. James F. Herbstritt osteological collection. Courtesy the Section of Zoology and Botany, The State Museum of Pennsylvania
The Eschelman Site is a fortified
Susquehannock village in the town of Washington Boro, Lancaster County,Pennsylvania.
In 1949 the site was explored and identified as one of the dump sites where the
Susquehannocks discarded their village trash (Kent 1984). Later on, zooarchaeological
studies by Guilday, Parmalee and Tanner (1962) identified over 58,000 bone
fragments – many of the mammals such as deer, bear, mountain lion, wolf, gray fox, bobcat and
dog displayed the telltale signs of butcher marks indicating that such animals
were skinned, stripped of their meat and used for food. In addition, there were
26 species of mammals; 33 bird species; 5 species of reptile; 2 amphibian; and
7 fish, respectively.
Junior archaeologist assisting with the recording of a historic period dog burial at Fort Hunter Mansion and Park, Courtesy The Section of Archaeology State Museum of Pennsylvania
In summary, zooarchaeological
studies of bones provide us with a glimpse into the past where animals were an
essential aspect of Native people’s diets. Analysis of the dietary refuse of the past has
provided us with a more complete picture of human survival. These changes and adaptation in our diets are
a reflection of environmental and settlement
pattern changes which have occurred over time. In tandem with wild and cultivated plant
products these protein foods provided the necessary nourishment to sustain life
and well-being at a time when the supermarket’s butcher shop was a thing of the
Guilday, John E.,
Paul W. Parmalee and Donald P. Tanner
1962 Aboriginal Butchering Techniques at the
Eschelman Site (36LA12), Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania
Archaeologist 32(2):59-83.
Guilday, John E.
and Paul W. Parmalee
1965 Animal Remains from the Sheep Rock
Shelter (36HU1), Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Archaeologist
Guilday, John E. and Paul W. Parmalee
1982 Vertebrate Faunal Remains from the
Meadowcroft Rockshelter, Washington County, Pennsylvania: A Summary and
Interpretation. In: Meadowcroft: Collected Papers on the Archaeology of
Meadowcroft Rockshelter and the Cross Creek Drainage. Edited by Ronald C.
Carlisle and James M. Adovasio.
Kent, Barry C.
1984 Susquehanna’s Indians. Anthropological
Series No.6. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
Lord, K.
1982 Invertebrate Faunal Remains from
Meadowcroft Rockshelter, Washington County, Southwestern Pennsylvania. In: Meadowcroft:
Collected Papers on the Archaeology of Meadowcroft Rockshelter and the Cross
Creek Drainage. Edited by Ronald C. Carlisle and James M. Adovasio.
Michels, Joseph
1994 Excavations at the Sheep Rock Shelter
(36HU1): An Historical Review. Pennsylvania Archaeologist 64(1):28-40.
Whyte, Thomas R.
2005 Vertebrate Archaeofaunal Remains from
Site 36LA1100, The Stabler Tract Project, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Report
submitted to the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Bureau for
Historic Preservation.
For more information, visit or the Hall of Anthropology and Archaeology at
The State Museum of Pennsylvania .