We would like to invite all of our fans to the 80th annual meeting of the Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology. The meetings are being held at The State Museum of Pennsylvania April 3 thru 5th; and this year's theme is the archaeology of Penn’s Woods.
Presentations will include topics from the Paleo-Indian period, 11,000 BP thru the historic era. There will be a special Saturday afternoon session from 1:00 PM – 4:30 PM covering the French and Indian War period in Pennsylvania. Students from Susquehanna High School will be displaying their poster’s dealing with forensic anthropology a.k.a. Crime Scene Investigations.
Saturday evenings’ banquet speaker is Bruce Bomberger, curator at Landis Valley Farm Museum presenting his research on his publication "The French and Indian War in Pennsylvania, 1753-1763". The presentations will continue Sunday morning and include six presentations on early Native American farming communities in Pennsylvania.
The Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology was formed in 1929 by the Pennsylvania Historical Commission to promote the study of prehistoric and historic archaeological resources of Pennsylvania and neighboring states; to encourage scientific research. Avocational and professional archaeologists come together to learn about currant research and preservation of archaeological sites and artifacts.
Meeting and Registration Information at the following link http://www.pennsylvaniaarchaeology.com/annualmeeting.html
For more information, visit PAarchaeology.state.pa.us or the Hall of Anthropology and Archaeology at The State Museum of Pennsylvania .