This week our blog is on the evolution
of climate during the Holocene episode in Pennsylvania. This period follows the
Pleistocene or Ice Age and is referred to as the modern era beginning
approximately 11,800 years ago. Although, climate change is a very common topic
in America and around the world, there is a perception that climate, flora and
fauna have not changed substantially since the end of the Pleistocene. The
glaciers melted, the megafauna became extinct and modern flora and fauna
appeared; there were no substantial changes for the next 11,800 years. Even
among archaeologists, that was a common miss-conception until about twenty
years ago. In the following, we will describe the shift in climate, flora and
fauna during the past 11,800 years and briefly relate this to cultural adaptions.
The Holocene is sub-divided into eight climatic episodes and for the reader’s
convenience, these are summarized below. This table was originally developed based on
pollen studies in Europe and the mid-western United States. The version below
was developed by Dr. Frank Vento of Clarion University of Pennsylvania.
The cold conditions of the Pleistocene were
caused by the changing of the earth’s orbit around the sun combined with
changes in ocean currents. The orbit changes approximately every 22,000 years initiating
a warm or cold period. This is called the Milankovich cycle. The last change
began approximately 16,000 years ago. This was a warming period but it was
interrupted approximately 12,900 years ago by the Younger Dryas episode. This
episode brought a return to very cold and dry conditions. It may have occurred when
the glaciers retreated north of the St. Lawrence River allowing very cold
glacial melt water to dump directly into the North Atlantic Ocean thereby
depressing the warming effects of the Gulf Stream resulting in cooler
The Younger Dryas lasted approximately
1300 years and seems to have ended quickly around 11,800 years ago. Following that near modern-day temperatures
were reached within one hundred years. This
marked the beginning of the Holocene episode. The first warming period of the
Holocene is called the Pre-Boreal climatic episode and dates between 10,300 and
11,800 years ago. This was a period of transition for the forests of Pennsylvania.
Southern animal populations such as bats started moving north and northern
animal populations such as lemmings moved even further north into New York. However,
the vegetation took much longer to evolve. Pioneer species (trees that spread
and grow quickly) filled the open woodlands of the Younger Dryas landscape with
pine and spruce trees. The advancement of oak and other deciduous trees took
much longer due to their slower migration and growth rates. The dense
spruce-pine forest of the Pre-Boreal was similar to forests found in Canada
today but different in that there was a greater variety of trees and shrubs.
Deciduous trees, such as oak, hickory, chestnut, and maple gradually spread
from the south, but these broadleaf trees did not replace the spruce-pine
forest until after 10,300 years ago. During the Pre-Boreal (which corresponds
to the Early Archaic cultural period), food resources for humans in the form of
roots, seeds, berries, and animals were concentrated in developing floodplains
in the Susquehanna and Delaware drainages and around swamps and bogs in the
Ohio drainage. However, overall this was
a less plentiful environment than existed during Paleoindian times. A spruce
pine forest simply does not have the nuts, seeds, berries, roots, bird and animal
populations that are found in a pine-oak or oak-chestnut forest.
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Early Archaic Riverscape |
During the Pleistocene,
Pennsylvania rivers were very wide, shallow and rocky. They were not bordered
by the broad flat floodplains we see today. During the Pre-Boreal episode, the
rivers began to stabilize into one channel, and floodplains began to develop.
Artifacts that were dropped by the Archaic inhabitants in these settings were
covered by subsequent flood deposits. Imagine for the moment that the twelve-
or fifteen--foot-high floodplains of today were only three feet high, 10,000
years ago. Artifacts from this time
period are found in the deepest levels of these floodplains and only a couple
of feet above the water table.
By 10,300 years ago, the beginning
of the Boreal episode (and Middle Archaic period), oaks and other nut-bearing
trees were common throughout the region. This was also a warm and dry episode although
characterized by a deciduous, broad-leafed forest. Beginning 9,500 years ago,
the Atlantic episode begins, marked by a period of warm and moist conditions similar
to the current climate. Overall, the forests were richer in food resources,
including walnuts, hickory nuts, butternuts, acorns, and a variety of seeds,
roots, and berries. Birds and mammals fed on these resources and themselves provided
food for the rapidly increasing human population. However, since human population densities were
low, they did not require many specialized tools to exploit this new environment.
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Middle Archaic Riverscape |
Beginning about 6,800 years ago, there
was an interesting change in weather patterns. Although the glaciers had
retreated well into Canada, they had continued to affect the weather of
Pennsylvania and the Middle Atlantic region in general. The presence of a huge
mass of cold air (in the form of the Canadian glacier) prevented warm, moist
air from moving out of the Gulf of Mexico. By 6,800 years ago, the glaciers had
sufficiently retreated north so that a new weather pattern emerged. As a consequence,
the Middle Atlantic region began to experience cyclonic storms (hurricanes) and
valley-wide flooding. These events are recorded at many archaeological sites as
thick layers (several inches) of flood-deposited sands.
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Although the forests of Pennsylvania
were constantly in transition, during the Atlantic episode, the primary plants
and animals remained unchanged. Catastrophic
storms and forest fires, some human induced, resulted in shifts in the
distribution of plants and animals, but the basic ecology was the same for over
3,500 years. Many archaeologists
consider the Archaic period as the classic adaptation to the “Primeval
The Sub-Boreal episode begins at approximately 5800 years ago.
This marks the beginning of a warm and dry period; a significant change from
the previous 3500 years. The reduction in precipitation would have reduced
vegetation levels resulting in an overall drop in food resources and the
distribution of resources would have been less predictable. The vegetation of
this period begins as an oak and hemlock forest, but the hemlocks nearly
disappear rather abruptly being are replaced by hickory trees. Although the
drying environment may have been a factor, some believe that disease or blight
affected the hemlocks. The hemlock trees
gradually return to the forests but it takes over a thousand years for this to
It has been long recognized that the Sub-Boreal episode
corresponds to the Transitional cultural period. A variety of new and
distinctive tools appear during this period, including the first portable
cooking containers in the form of soapstone bowls. There seems to be a change
in food processing techniques in the form of earth ovens and stone boiling. Trade
becomes common over large areas of the Middle Atlantic region. These factors
suggest to some archaeologists that people were intensifying their exploitation
of the environment possibly to extract more calories from diminishing food
resources. However, archaeologists also debate over how dry the climate was and
whether this had a significant effect on food foraging strategies. Some believe
that the effect was minor and reference the pollen record which shows little significant
change in vegetation (other than the replacement of hemlocks by hickory). Other archaeologists use increased rates of
flooding to assert that there was a sufficient reduction in rainfall to reduce
ground cover, which resulted in greater runoff, erosion, and flooding during
heavy rains. The issue has not been resolved, but there are an increasing
number of sites that support the increased flooding scenario.
The Sub-Boreal period ends at 2850
years ago; the Sub-Atlantic episode begins and there is a return to warm and
moist conditions. Food resources increase. This corresponds to the Early/Middle
Woodland period. These conditions stabilized floodplain environments by
reducing the frequency of floods, although large floods from hurricanes
continued. Over the next thousand years, there are a series of small changes in
the climate. During this time, most of Pennsylvania was covered with an oak
chestnut deciduous forest with an abundant variety of foods for humans.
Preferred floodplain settlements were so frequently used by Native Americans
that the locations became meadows with small trees, rather than climax (fully
mature) forests.
Beginning at approximately 900 AD, the
climate warms and this is known as the Medieval Warming period. The advantages
of this change are recorded in Europe and Asia.
During this time, agriculture spreads into northern Europe and the
Vikings settled in Greenland. The favorable conditions of the Medieval Warming in
eastern North America allowed for a greater dependence on agriculture and its
final spread into the Upper Ohio basin, Ontario, New England and eventually the
river basins of eastern Pennsylvania. Agricultural hamlets and villages spread
and grew in number throughout this region. The following episode, known as the
Little Ice Age (1300 AD – 1800 AD) is
also chronicled by European historians when the trends of the Medieval Warming
were reversed. The Vikings abandoned Greenland (and the possibility they would
get credit for discovering the New World) and generally, there was a retreat of
agricultural peoples into warmer climates. During this time in North America,
several major cultural complexes experienced periods of instability and eventual
collapse: the pueblos of the Southwest were abandoned as was Cahokia in the
Mississippi Valley, hyperlink In the
Ohio Valley of western Pennsylvania, site distributions were adjusted during
this time. Interestingly, changes in the eastern part of the state are not as
of the more noted accounts of harsh conditions during the period occurs during
the winter of 1776 at Valley Forge. General George Washington and his troops
were forced to retreat to the north of Philadelphia after the city was occupied
by British forces. Lack of food, poor shelter and insufficient uniforms
resulted in sickness and death for the Continental forces. The end of the
Little Ice Age occurs at about 1800 AD, and is also marked by another wave of
immigration to North America.
hope you have found this journey through the evolution of climate change in
Pennsylvania interesting. Understanding and exploring our archaeological
heritage is crucial to our understanding of human behavior and our ability to
change and adapt over time.
For more information, visit or the Hall of Anthropology and Archaeology at The State Museum of Pennsylvania .
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